Guide To Food Combining
Foods have different transit times and require specific digestive enzymes. Bad food combinations can cause indigestion and fermentation, which may lead to inflammation, a precursor to illness.
Guide To Food Combining
Foods have different transit times and require specific digestive enzymes. Bad food combinations can cause indigestion and fermentation, which may lead to inflammation, a precursor to illness.
veganism and compassion
A very important aspect of your own weight loss is whether or not your diet is compassionate to all life.
veganism and compassion
A very important aspect of your own weight loss is whether or not your diet is compassionate to all life.
Bad Sugar
If you stay away from fruit and starchy vegetables, you’ll be depriving healthy cells of needed sugar for energy, which they need to perform their specific functions.
Bad Sugar
If you stay away from fruit and starchy vegetables, you’ll be depriving healthy cells of needed sugar for energy, which they need to perform their specific functions.
The more you clean up your diet, the more biologically efficient you become. The more efficient your body becomes, the more likely it is that you can consume a fair...
The more you clean up your diet, the more biologically efficient you become. The more efficient your body becomes, the more likely it is that you can consume a fair...
Protein Confuses Everyone
A blind pursuit of protein is a BIG mistake in many diets. Protein is a lousy source of fuel because it doesn’t convert easily into glucose, and glucose is the...
Protein Confuses Everyone
A blind pursuit of protein is a BIG mistake in many diets. Protein is a lousy source of fuel because it doesn’t convert easily into glucose, and glucose is the...