Q: Where is goodsugar located?

A: We are located at 1186 3rd ave (on the corner of 69th street & 3rd avenue). Click here to see us on the map.

 Q: What are your hours?

A: Our hours change frequently. Find our store hours by clicking here

    Q: Do you offer delivery?

    A: We will offer delivery starting in June! Click here to order from us.

      Q: Do you have a loyalty/rewards/discount program?

      A: Hell yes! We offer a Discount Program! 

        Q: Are you organic?

        A: But of course! We only use organic ingredients, which is essential to your health and the health of the planet. Click here to read more.

          Q: Is goodsugar vegan?

          A: Yes - we are passionate about plant based foods for your health and the health of the planet! Click here to learn more.

          Q: Where is the nutritional data?

          A: In our humble abode, We want your ears to explode, With an answer that's pleasing, Our words we are releasing. As a small business with only one store, We're not legally bound to nutritional data to explore, But rest assured, our ingredients are clear, Our menu and recipes will change, don't fear. It's quite expensive to obtain, Nutritional data for every item that we train, But with time, we'll have the information you seek, As our business grows and we hit our peak. Good calories are what you'll find, In the foods that we grind, Plant-based and unrefined sugars galore, Perfect for energy and mind's clarity to restore. We take your desire to understand seriously, For what you consume impacts your chemistry, Listen to how certain foods make you feel, But beware of false beliefs, that's the deal. Chemistry and common sense, Determines the calorie expense, Bananas and smoothies may be dense, But they curb cravings and make you a saint, hence. In summary, our food is what your chemistry expects, And we promise to provide nutritional data prospects, But for now, enjoy our good calories without a care, And listen to your body, it knows what's fair.

          Q: Do you pasteurize or high pressure pasteurize your juices?

          A: Fck no! Both processes make juice taste disgusting and diminish the nutritional quality of the juice. Fresh juice is the only way.

          Wine gets better with age, juice gets gross. Here's the edited version:

          Our founder is passionate about the benefits of fresh juice over juice that has been manufactured, trucked elsewhere, and then pasteurized or high-pressure pasteurized. When juice is treated in this way, it can lose some of the nutrients and flavor that make fresh juice such a valuable part of a healthy diet.

          Unfortunately, some juiceries that claim to offer fresh juice actually use these pasteurization techniques, which can leave the juice tasting flat and lifeless. Customers who pay a premium for these juices can feel burned by the experience, realizing that they are essentially paying for a trucking operation and a bottle with a label on it.

          We believe that the best juice is made fresh, on-site, using high-quality ingredients. This is why we take care to make all of our juices in-house, using fresh produce that is locally sourced whenever possible. By doing so, we can ensure that our customers get the maximum nutritional benefit and flavor from their juice, without any of the downsides of pasteurization or long-distance shipping.

          At our juicery, we are committed to delivering the highest quality, freshest juices possible, and we believe that our customers can taste the difference.

          Q: Do you make soups from scratch or use powders and just add hot water?

          A: From scratch. 

          It's hard to imagine why anyone would want to pay top dollar to go to a restaurant in New York that serves powdered produce mixed with hot water when they could enjoy the real thing. At our restaurant, we take pride in making our soups from scratch using actual recipes and big soup kettles. We believe that the time and effort we put into chopping, dicing, mincing, blending, boiling, and simmering our soups is what sets us apart. We understand that making soups from scratch is a labor-intensive process, but we believe that the end result is worth it. Our customers appreciate the taste and quality of our soups, and we're committed to providing them with the best possible dining experience.

          Q: Who started goodsugar?

          A: Marcus Antebi @marcusantebi

          Q: Do you use refined sugar?

          A: No. We use dates, maple syrup, occasionally honey, and occasionally monk fruit.

          The premise behind the name goodsugar is that there is a difference between good sugar and bad sugar. The sugar that is typically found in processed foods, such as refined white sugar, is considered bad sugar because it is highly processed and stripped of any nutrients. On the other hand, the sugar that occurs naturally in fruits and vegetables is considered good sugar because it is accompanied by important nutrients like vitamins, minerals, good carbs, good fats, and even protein. These nutrients are essential for a healthy diet and can help boost the immune system by providing easily absorbed energy and antioxidants. By choosing foods that contain good sugar, individuals can improve their overall health and well-being.

          Q: Are you gluten free?

          A: While we are not strictly gluten-free, we offer a wide range of options to cater to different dietary needs. Our Best Burrito wrap is made from whole wheat, and we take pride in using high-quality ingredients in all of our products. Our core products are gluten-free, which includes our juices, smoothies, soups, and chocolates. However, please note that while we take precautions to avoid cross-contamination, we are not a gluten-free facility.

          Q: Do you guys have peanuts in your store?

          A: Yes, we do offer peanut butter as an option for our smoothies, and some of our chocolates contain peanuts in their recipe. Additionally, our kitchen uses peanuts, almonds, and other nuts in the preparation of our food.

          Q: Do you use powdered almonds and add tap water to make your smoothie bases?

          A: Powdered almond milk and fresh almond milk have some differences in terms of their nutritional value.

          Powdered almond milk is made by grinding almonds into a fine powder and then mixing it with water. It often contains added vitamins and minerals to enhance its nutritional value. While powdered almond milk is a convenient and shelf-stable option, it may have some drawbacks compared to fresh almond milk.

          One of the main differences between the two is that fresh almond milk is typically higher in nutrients such as protein, healthy fats, and antioxidants compared to powdered almond milk. This is because fresh almond milk is made by blending almonds with water, which retains the natural nutrients found in almonds. In contrast, the process of making powdered almond milk involves heating and drying the almond powder, which may cause some of the nutrients to be lost.

          Another consideration is that powdered almond milk may contain added sugars and other additives, which can negatively impact its nutritional value. It's important to check the ingredients list when purchasing powdered almond milk to ensure that it does not contain any added sugars or other unhealthy additives.

          Overall, while powdered almond milk can be a convenient option, fresh almond milk is generally considered the healthier choice due to its higher nutrient content and lack of additives.

          Q: Where can I find the calories and other nutritional information on your fantastic products.

          A: At this time, we do not have nutritional data profiles available for our products. As a small-scale business, we are not required to provide this information. However, we can assure you that our products are made from fruits and vegetables that are cleanly prepared and not fried, and do not contain any junk food ingredients. We strive to use only high-quality ingredients in our products to provide our customers with a healthy and delicious snack option.

          Q: Do you guys use single-use plastic?

          A: No. The entire business is free from single-use packaging. Instead we are using glass and kraft paper packaging.

          Another major innovation for us is removing all single-use plastic from our packaging systems. We do not use corn-based plastics or plastics that are touted as better for the environment because they are not. We are recognized as the first retail restaurant in New York to voluntarily create and execute a no single-use plastic operation. Using plastic, especially to serve health food, is ironic.

          Q: Are you opening other stores?

          A: Maybe. It depends if you’re being nice to me.                                                                                                      

          Q: How much rent do you pay for that store on 69th street?

          A: Nunyabizness.

          Q: Who did all the branding for goodsugar?

          A: The founder, Marcus with a lot of help later on from his team.

          Q: Who wrote all the whacky stuff on your packaging?

          A: Someone who cares.

          Q: Are you going to franchise goodsugar?

          A: $132,000,369, take it all.

          Q: Why do some big chain juice companies say that they are plant based but sell eggs and milk?

          A: They're confused about biology and/or they are just trying to make a few bucks.

          Q: Are you guys kosher?

          A: We are kosher and we are certified by Rabbi Zev of the International Kosher Council. Click here to see our IKC Certificate.

          Q: Do you have a kids menu?

          A: The entire menu is appropriate for children 12 months and older, unless they have specific food allergies to nuts, gluten. Kids love us. 

            Q: What is HPP?

            A: We never High Pressure Pasteurize juice. We dislike HPP.

            • Our juice is cold-pressed, fresh, raw and never pasteurized. Most juice companies are using High Pressure Pasteurization (HPP), which subjects products to a high level of isostatic pressure transmitted by water to extend the shelf life of the products.
            • Pasteurization significantly depletes nutritional quality and gives products a very unpleasant taste. As consumers we are so used to products that have been pasteurized that we’ve forgotten how delicious and satisfying fresh juices and smoothies taste.
            • Single store companies (such as mine) are not required to pasteurize their products. Items that aren’t pasteurized taste wonderful, but they expire very quickly. If you do a taste test between juices or smoothies that come from a supermarket or a big juice chain with our juices, you’ll note that ours have a much brighter and fuller taste.
            • The pasteurization process also alters chemical composition—it tampers with the nutrient values of the vitamins and other compounds. Pasteurized juice is less nutrient dense, and its enzymes have been denatured. Also, in the process of potentially killing bad bacteria in produce, pasteurization also kills all probiotics (good bacteria) that are helpful to your gut.
            • Pasteurized products are clearly inferior to those that aren’t. I believe that pasteurization benefits no one but product manufacturers, who get longer product shelf life and less waste as a result of pasteurization.
            • It bears repeating that companies that pressurize their juice to extend shelf life create inferior products. Juice and smoothies taste horrible to the palette of anyone who has tasted fresh juice. Wine gets better with age—juice does not.
            • Freshly made unpasteurized juice is the only way to go. One of these days all juice makers are going to realize what juice is supposed to be and stop giving people terrible products. Fresh juice is fresh juice. Pasteurized juice is horse pucky. 

              Q: Can I bring my own reusable bottle?

              A: You can, but you can’t ask us to wash it for you (it’s the law). We prefer if you participate in our reusable glass jar program.