Sorry, giraffe is not on the menu.
We are kosher, no flesh foods, no dairy, no eggs, no fake meats, no nonsense. Our produce washing machine is bigger and better than what a kosher household employs to wash produce. Kosher Certified—see certification below.
Did you know that giraffes are considered kosher due to their ability to chew their cud and have split hooves? However, giraffes are not practical livestock due to their aggressive nature and the challenge of finding a suitable spot for a clean and painless slaughter cut. Also, we are a vegan restaurant. We do not serve giraffe meat.
Good news! We adhere to a strict vegan and therefore kosher menu. Our menu is 100% plant-based, free from dairy, gelatins, eggs, butter, and all forms of flesh. We also avoid animal secretions such as milk and ensure our organically grown leafy greens are washed in a commercial machine.
Our food choices reflect purity and compassion, aligning with the values shared by many faiths. We are grateful for the opportunity to make mindful and ethical food choices in our daily lives.
Kosher Poetry
Our founder is a Syrian Jewish man born in Brooklyn in 1969, bar mitzvahed in 1982. He identifies as a Jewish man with Buddhist philosophical tendencies and is obsessed with yoga, psychology, theoretical physics, and Taoism. Lo, we stand as adherents of the kosher way, Nourishing on plants alone, Eschewing animal proteins, dairy, and eggs from our hands. The inhabitants of New York dub us "vegan," An epithet that indeed fits our essence. We make no contention against this title, For it harmonizes with our path.
In the days yet to unfold, The amber nectar of honey might grace our offerings, A token of nature's benevolence, endowing sweetness. Though this infusion could blur our vegan mantle, We shall greet it with grace, for it holds no wickedness.
Know this, we are truly kosher, Kept under the watchful gaze of Rabbi Zev Schwartz, The guardian of the International Kosher Council.