Is our seed oil bad for me? Should I put a tablespoon of agave in my tea? I heard olive oil isn't good for me. I can’t tell you how many little things like that are floating all over the Internet. Some folks say eating a seed is bad for you; others claim there's a scientific reason why we don’t produce certain enzymes to break down specific plants. It all sounds very convincing, especially when nutritionists cite studies proving that something non-poisonous from the plant kingdom is actually bad for you.
I've even heard people say eating lettuce is harmful. Seriously, lettuce! But here’s the kicker: if you look at all the science and studies, the people suffering from debilitating illnesses in hospitals aren’t pointing fingers at too many apples, bananas, or unripe bananas. They're not blaming seed oil in their salads either. The evidence shows food-related illnesses are linked to too much animal protein, fried foods, cakes, candies, and junk food. That's the real culprit in the Western diet, not whether you're eating corn on the cob or a chunk of tofu.
It's not even about being vegan or not. You can be healthy eating animal protein, although it's not necessary. The problem is junk food and the lack of salads, fruits, and vegetables in our diet. It doesn’t matter much if a large portion of your vegetables and fruits come through fresh raw juice. If you think you need more fiber, munch on some celery sticks or include a solid piece of fruit in your daily diet with your juice. Juice is an excellent source of nutrition because people are more motivated to drink juice than to chomp on whole fruits or veggies.