Fruit Sugar vs. Refined Sugar

Fruit Sugar vs. Refined Sugar

There’s a lot of confusion about the difference between naturally occurring sugar in fruit and refined sugar that’s extracted, processed, and concentrated. The key thing to understand is that when sugar is refined and heated, it becomes more intense in your system. Your body has to work extra hard to regulate blood sugar levels, releasing more insulin and other hormones to process the concentrated hit.

On the other hand, the sugar in fruit is immediately available for energy, movement, homeostasis, immune function, and metabolism. Unlike refined sugar, fruit contains antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that are lost during processing.

Some people think natural fruit juice is bad because it enters the bloodstream quickly. What really matters is the person’s overall diet and calorie intake. If someone eats mostly whole, clean foods—even in higher amounts—they won’t run into problems unless there’s an underlying disorder.

For normal, healthy metabolism, we need plenty of fruit and vegetables every day. Unless you’re trying to build Herculean muscles, you don’t need excessive animal protein, especially as you age. Most people eat far more than necessary.

The prime source of calories should be carbohydrates—good sugar. And all the objective, accurate science out there backs this up.

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