Occasionally, I encounter staunch meat-eaters who believe that a flesh-based diet is essential for human thriving. Armed with cherry-picked data on blood sugar levels, sprinkled with technical jargon, and fueled by anecdotal observations, they develop misguided views on human nutrition. For instance, they may claim that fruits are harmful while advocating for a daily intake of chicken, fish, and meat.
It's important to be wary of these misinformed individuals, who can be found in various roles like doctors, scientists, weightlifters, hunters, athletes, and more. Unfortunately, they are simply mistaken, overlooking the wealth of scientific knowledge that shapes our understanding of human nutrition.
I've interviewed numerous individuals of this mindset on our podcast and encountered countless others in my food businesses over the past 15 years. I've truly heard it all.
I can sum up the carnivore philosophy by quoting Dr. Jeffrey Mechanick, a prominent endocrinologist at Mount Sinai and a personal friend. Despite being a meat eater himself, with no bias towards promoting veganism, he has authored two books on molecular nutrition for his industry. When faced with the arguments against fresh whole fruits and starchy vegetables, his blunt response is, "that's complete nonsense. Beware of individuals who use catchy sound bites to appear intelligent."
For further insight, consider this observation: in nature, every animal has its own dietary "prescription," so to speak. Each creature inhabits an environment where the necessary food sources are naturally present. Their anatomy and digestive chemistry are adapted to process either plant matter or the flesh of other creatures.
In nature, there are creatures that have evolved to thrive on a varied diet, encompassing both plant and animal sources to sustain their energy needs for living, healing, growing, and surviving. Examples include pigs, bears, turtles, and humans. These animals can exclusively consume plant-based or flesh-based foods, or a combination of both.
This adaptability is advantageous, as it ensures their survival even if one of the food sources—plants or flesh—is not readily available, allowing them to subsist on whichever option is present.
Some creatures, like termites, survive on sources that we wouldn't typically consider as food, such as wood.
Plants are particularly fascinating because the majority of them derive their energy not from plants or flesh, but directly from sunlight. Without delving too deeply into technical details, sunlight stands as the primary and purest energy source. Through the process of photosynthesis, plants harness the energy from sunlight using chlorophyll to facilitate growth.
On our planet, trillions of diverse bacteria thrive in soils, relying on the nutrients produced by plants or the decomposing organic matter left behind by animals.
A myriad of intricate living beings solely subsist on plant-based diets. Conversely, some creatures have evolved to prey on plant-eating animals.
Then there are humans. Throughout our millennia-long journey of survival, when we roamed the untamed wilderness, we gleaned our eating habits by observing other animals. We passed down these dietary patterns from one generation to the next, varying across regions due to food availability, climate, and cultural traditions.
For a human to sustain solely on fruits, vegetables, nuts, sprouts, seeds, and roots is a complex endeavor. Firstly, they would need abundant access to edible plants. Secondly, they would have to master various methods of preparing these plants to maintain variety, enhance taste, increase density, and ensure durability for travel. The knowledge required to cultivate and protect seeds, manage harvests against environmental threats, like floods or freezes, is significant.
In contrast, it may seem much simpler to procure a weapon or tool and hunt a buffalo, deer, or catch fish like crabs and lobsters in the water. In many respects, it is indeed easier.
Historically, earth-honoring tribes maintained a sacred relationship with nature. They did not kill for pleasure or waste resources. These people treated animals with respect, avoiding cruelty and ensuring they did not suffer in captivity. They did not engage in industrial-scale methods of slaughter that ignored health and safety regulations for profit, nor did they lack compassion in their practices.
In ancient times, hunting and gathering methods did not involve destructive practices that harmed the land, deforested vast areas, or polluted waterways with toxic chemicals in the pursuit of sustenance.
In ancient times, there was no practice of artificially increasing cows' milk production beyond natural limits or administering antibiotics to prevent diseases caused by unsanitary and overcrowded conditions. The animals were not fed special diets to make them unnaturally fatter before slaughter. These unethical practices have far-reaching consequences for both human health and the environment, not to mention the immense suffering inflicted upon the animals.
These compelling reasons provide a strong argument for choosing alternative food sources to animal-based products. This rationale differs significantly from what one might have considered a century ago when such practices were not prevalent.
The discussion about vegetarianism should ideally conclude with the consideration of compassion as the primary factor. However, due to human nature and various motivations, the conversation extends beyond compassion. It delves into the realms of chemistry, anatomy, biology, and even the process of evolution itself. It is through exploring these additional dimensions that the debate around vegetarianism becomes more complex and multifaceted.
It is important to acknowledge that a person can maintain good health while consuming animal-based foods. However, when it comes to the preparation and consumption of fried foods, whether they are meat-based or plant-based, there are health considerations to take into account. Fried foods can have a detrimental impact on health, deducting 60 points on a scale of 0 to 100 for overall healthiness.
Similarly, vegetarians face challenges when it comes to their dietary choices. For instance, if plant-based foods are deep-fried or pan-fried at high temperatures, they can become carcinogenic, posing risks to health. Another issue to consider is the use of sauces in vegetarian and vegan diets. While sauces can be plant-based, they may contain refined sugar, artificial additives, food coloring, and excess salt, including iodized salt, which can detract from the overall healthfulness of the meal.
Therefore, it is essential for individuals, regardless of their dietary preferences, to be mindful of how their food is prepared and the quality of ingredients used to maintain a balanced and healthy diet.
Another significant issue for meat eaters concerns the food combinations they choose for their meals. Take the classic sandwich, for instance, which may be considered one of the least healthy inventions, especially when compared to fried foods. In a sandwich, a person typically consumes concentrated protein in the form of meat along with a refined starchy carbohydrate like bread. This combination poses a challenge to digestion as the different mediums of flesh and bread require distinct digestive processes that can be incompatible and lead to indigestion. Moreover, such food combinations may trigger inflammatory responses in the body, further highlighting the importance of mindful food choices for overall health and well-being.
This concept of food combinations and their impact on digestion and overall health applies not only to meat eaters but also to vegans. For example, a vegan consuming a high-protein plant-based veggie burger with bread may also be making a poor food combination choice. While individuals who are generally healthy may not notice the subtle effects of poor food combinations, those with digestive issues, weakened immune systems, or high levels of anxiety may experience negative effects on their body chemistry from improperly combining foods.
Regardless of whether someone is consuming eggs, meat, cheese, or plant-based foods, incorporating a large, leafy green salad into the meal is always a good choice. The high fiber content in leafy greens helps to promote healthy digestion by aiding in the removal of waste and toxins from the body efficiently. This simple addition can support overall digestive health and contribute to a more balanced and nourishing diet.
Another significant issue for meat eaters is the portion sizes typically associated with a meat-heavy diet. Consuming excessive calories through large meat portions can lead to weight gain, which is a clear indicator of overeating. Overeating can also result in indigestion and inflammation, while the accumulation of fat in the body increases the risk of various diseases.
Contrary to common belief, individuals with diabetes not only need to be mindful of sugary foods like fruits, candy, and bread, but also of foods that are hard to digest and put a strain on the liver. Animal protein, being a concentrated and dense food source, can be challenging for the body to break down. For individuals with diabetes, a combination of genetic factors, stress, eating habits, consumption of refined and processed carbohydrates, and excessive protein intake can lead to significant blood sugar level fluctuations and complications.
Therefore, it is crucial for individuals, especially those with diabetes, to consider not only the types of foods they eat but also the portion sizes and overall balance of their diet to manage their condition effectively and promote better health outcomes.
Another aspect to consider is the psychological reasons behind why people have a strong preference for animal protein and related foods. Initially, these foods are appealing because they taste delicious and provide immediate pleasure. Humans are naturally drawn to anything that brings them comfort and pleasure, especially in the face of life's challenges. From birth, we are socialized to include various animal-based foods in our diets, leading to the habituation of our palates to these flavors and textures.
For some individuals, eating these foods may serve as a way to cope with anxieties or seek comfort unrelated to physical hunger. The experience of consuming juicy, mouth-watering dishes with delicious sauces can provide a sense of pleasure and satisfaction that goes beyond mere sustenance. These sensory experiences can be deeply ingrained in our cultural and personal preferences, making it challenging to shift away from animal-based foods despite the growing awareness of their ethical and environmental implications.
Indulging in a variety of flavorful dishes such as smoked salmon on a pumpernickel bagel with cream cheese, a slice of cheesecake, authentic New York pizza, Kobe beef, fresh sushi, grilled chicken on a Caesar salad, salmon with cooked broccoli, a delightful selection of ice cream flavors, a dash of half-and-half in your coffee, fried calamari, spaghetti with meatballs, and childhood favorites like Froot Loops cereal is a common experience for many of us. These foods are often deeply ingrained in our culinary culture and memories.
During our youth, considerations of nutrition often take a back seat as we consume these foods purely for the satisfaction they provide. The wide array of flavors, textures, and comfort associated with these dishes can make them feel like essential food groups in our lives. As we grow up, we may begin to reassess our dietary choices and consider the nutritional value of the foods we consume, aiming to strike a balance between enjoyment and nourishment for our overall well-being.
A significant shift in dietary habits has occurred over the past couple of centuries, influenced by factors such as food availability and modern consumer culture. In today's world, a vast majority of the foods we consume are heavily marketed and promoted by food corporations. This influence has shaped our food choices and preferences to a large extent.
For instance, it is interesting to note that certain foods like popcorn, which is now a staple at movie theaters, were likely popularized and perhaps even invented by the food industry. Food corporations recognized the need for a snack that was affordable, appealing in aroma, and enjoyable for children to eat during movies. Popcorn turned out to be a highly profitable choice, serving as both a source of comfort and entertainment for moviegoers.
This example underscores how our dietary habits have been influenced by commercial interests and marketing strategies, highlighting the importance of being mindful of the origins and nutritional value of the foods we consume in today's consumer-driven food landscape.
Just like many aspects of human behavior, there is often an unconscious element that influences our choices and actions, especially in relation to health and lifestyle decisions. If individuals take the time to reflect and analyze their habits and patterns, they may uncover alarming sources of influence that have shaped their behavior. Unfortunately, many unhealthy choices made by people today can be attributed to the influence of big corporations promoting low-quality products for their own profit.
Around 80-90 years ago, there was a sense of innocence regarding the detrimental effects of junk food on health and well-being. However, in modern times, there is widespread awareness that the quality of the food we consume plays a significant role in our overall health, emotional well-being, and cognitive function. Understanding the impact of the fuel we put into our bodies is key to promoting good health, enhancing our emotional states, and potentially increasing our level of consciousness, whatever that concept may mean to each individual.
To me, focusing on purification of my body and maintaining a balance between work and relaxation is essential. I view food primarily as a source of nourishment to fuel my body for the tasks I need to accomplish, rather than simply indulging in empty calories. I strive to approach food with the intention of treading lightly on the world, being mindful of the impact my choices have on the environment and other living beings.
I am conscious of the interconnectedness of all actions and the ripple effects they can have on myself, others, and the world at large. By being mindful of the consequences of my choices, I aim to minimize harm and promote well-being for all of humanity. This simple principle of cause and effect guides my approach to food and life in general, as I seek to make choices that align with my values of compassion, sustainability, and interconnectedness with the world around me.
Ravenous meat eaters are not aligning with scientific understanding. It has been well established that diets high in animal protein can lead to various degenerative inflammatory conditions. In modern times, there is confusion surrounding diets that are high in fat and protein while excluding carbohydrates to induce ketosis for fat burning. However, following such diets can be likened to using a line of cocaine or taking a puff off a crack pipe. While individuals may feel stimulated or experience a sudden euphoria, the uninformed might mistakenly perceive these effects as healthy, rather than recognizing them as artificial stimulations with potential adverse health consequences in the long run.
It has been clearly established that the human body primarily functions as a carbohydrate-burning machine, requiring protein and dietary fat to a lesser extent than carbohydrates. The body's main objective is to digest food materials to extract nutrients, with a key focus on converting them into glucose, the brain's preferred and easily accessible source of fuel after oxygen.
The quantity of protein needed by an individual is closely linked to their activity levels, muscle-building goals, growth objectives, age, and overall health. Typically, individuals who are more active or aiming to increase muscle mass will require extra calories from nutritious whole foods to sustain their objectives without compromising other aspects of their health.
While a weightlifter may be able to metabolize a high intake of protein and calories effectively, an important aspect often overlooked is how efficiently they can eliminate the waste byproducts. Their routine may lack elements that promote more frequent bowel movements to address the excess gas pressure generated in the digestive system, which can eventually lead to inflammation as these gases enter the bloodstream.
A frequently overlooked aspect when praising the benefits of the keto diet is the rapid rise in acid levels following the digestion of animal products. This acidosis state, marked by a lower pH balance, imposes a challenge on the immune system to uphold the crucial pH balance required for survival. In essence, high-protein diets exert a notable strain on the immune system, contributing to energy depletion.
Plant-based eaters face the challenging task of ensuring they obtain a wide array of nutrients. Unlike meat eaters who can rely on staples like steak, chicken, eggs, and fish, plant eaters must incorporate around 100 or more different types of foods to obtain all necessary macronutrients and micronutrients.
Every essential substance required by the human body for maintaining health is present in the plant kingdom. However, acquiring these nutrients involves consuming a diverse range of plant-based foods for calories, which can be more challenging than simply consuming a steak or a piece of fish.
Many individuals who transition away from meat and dairy may still struggle with cravings if their mindset around food remains unchanged. Without achieving a state of mental relaxation, common stresses and anxieties can trigger cravings for familiar foods that used to provide comfort and happiness. For many vegetarians and vegans, the sense of empowerment they once felt from consuming concentrated proteins may be lacking. Protein, in certain quantities, can have euphoric effects, possibly due to the nitrogenous gases it contains, which subtly uplift our mood. However, these effects are not as pronounced for individuals following a plant-based diet.
Much discussion surrounds sugar spikes among individuals who consume meat, often focusing on the effects of refined sugars. It is true that refined sugars can lead to spikes in blood sugar levels, whereas the natural sugars found in fruits and whole fresh juices typically have a different impact. The duration of these spikes is crucial, as prolonged elevated sugar levels can be concerning.
Consuming significant amounts of animal protein and dishes like Chinese food, fast food, and junk foods prepared with refined sugars can also result in similar spikes in blood sugar levels, even if individuals may not recognize the similarities due to the different sources of sugar.
The spikes in blood sugar levels are not the primary issue; rather, the underlying problems stem from the composition of refined and processed foods and excessive consumption of animal protein. Transitioning to a predominantly plant-based diet, reducing intake of junk food, and limiting stimulants like coffee that can disrupt hormone balance, can lead to positive changes in one's biochemistry, even for individuals with diabetes. It is important for diabetics to include fruits in their diet as relying solely on animal protein is not sufficient for their nutritional needs.
The dietary recommendations often prescribed for diabetics can be unreasonable, as they may perpetuate unhealthy eating habits. It is crucial for individuals with blood sugar disorders to address the root cause without compromise. Improving one's biochemistry through diet requires a dedicated effort and a commitment to eliminating processed foods. This transition can be challenging, especially for those unfamiliar with this approach, leading to a difficult adjustment period. However, once individuals educate themselves on the sources of their anxieties and discomfort, they can explore alternative solutions that do not rely on addictive patterns, particularly in relation to eating habits.
Those who advise against consuming nutrient-rich foods like broccoli, lettuces, and seeds are leading others towards a path of ill health and disease. It's a stark reality. When individuals with a seemingly strong physique advocate for excessive meat consumption while demonizing fruit and fructose, consider how they may look and feel in their 50s. This perspective sheds light on the misguided beliefs that plague the topic of nutrition. Unfortunately, many people are suffering and facing severe illnesses due to the misinformation they have been taught. Achieving true enlightenment in the field of nutrition is challenging, given its multidisciplinary nature—it encompasses various sciences focused on the central theme of food.
Feeling invigorated after consuming animal protein does not necessarily equate to good health. It simply means that the food provided a temporary sense of vitality, which the individual perceives as being healthy. While happiness can have a positive impact on our biochemistry to some extent, it's important to recognize that you cannot defy the laws of physics. Consistently consuming foods like cracker jacks, cookies, cakes, and cupcakes over the years will inevitably lead to negative side effects, regardless of one's belief in their healthfulness. Misinformation about the healthiness of such foods will eventually have repercussions on one's well-being.
It is essential to emphasize that hospital beds in this country, and globally, are not occupied by individuals who consumed excessive vegetables or missed out on their glass of milk, cheeses, or filet mignon. Nor are they filled with those who indulged in fresh watermelon in the summer. The primary issue lies in what else individuals are consuming. Hospital admissions predominantly consist of individuals grappling with the three significant human problems: emotional challenges, dietary issues, and inadequate physical activity or exercise.
I choose to follow a plant-based diet for personal reasons, not for commercial interests. While it's true that operating a steakhouse or selling processed foods might bring in more revenue due to their mainstream appeal, my decision to focus on plant-based foods is driven by factors beyond financial gain.
Although the plant-based food industry may have a smaller market compared to more traditional options, I believe in the health benefits, ethical considerations, and environmental sustainability of plant-based eating. While it may pose some financial challenges, I am committed to offering nutritious and wholesome food options rather than processed alternatives with longer shelf life.
My choice to advocate for a plant-based diet is not motivated by financial gain but by my values and beliefs about health, sustainability, and ethical eating practices.
My story is brief: I spent my entire life as a junk food and meat eater. In my 20s, driven by a desire for six-pack abs for vanity reasons, I embarked on a journey to discover the path to achieving this physical goal.
The pursuit of six-pack abs became the coveted symbol of a fit and attractive body.
What I discovered is that I could achieve six-pack abs in just 96 hours through a highly restrictive caloric diet coupled with intense exercise. By significantly limiting my calorie intake and expending a great amount of energy, I was able to shed enough belly fat to reveal defined abdominal muscles. Through numerous repetitions of this experiment, I can confidently affirm that calorie restriction, regardless of the specific foods consumed, will lead to weight loss when the intake is lower than what is required for the level of activity.
If the initial weight loss targets muscle mass due to dietary choices or individual metabolism, eventually, the body will also begin to burn fat reserves to meet the energy demands.
When you engage in regular exercise, such as bicep curls, your biceps can increase in size and become more defined. However, when it comes to achieving a six-pack abs, the key is to focus on leaning out rather than building muscle mass. Interestingly, you don't necessarily need to perform specific abdominal exercises to develop six-pack abs. By reducing body fat through a combination of dietary control and overall exercise, the abdominal muscles can become visible and defined without targeted exercises. The key lies in reducing body fat to reveal the underlying muscle structure that forms the six-pack abs.
Adding abdominal exercises to your routine can strengthen and tone the abdominal muscles, contributing to a flat and strong midsection. However, even with a muscular core, your six-pack abs may not be visible if you do not naturally have a genetically defined midsection. Through my experience, I have observed that various body types can shape their abdominal muscles effectively with the right combination of exercise and diet.
It is important to note that achieving six-pack abs does not necessarily equate to overall health. Many extreme diets exist that promise quick results in developing six-pack abs, but the focus should always be on maintaining a balanced and sustainable approach to health and fitness. Merely having well-defined abs does not indicate optimal health. For instance, following a diet of solely licorice and rice cakes providing only 700 calories a day could lead to visible abs but pose serious health risks, demonstrating that external appearances do not always reflect internal well-being.
Many of the misguided and extreme diets prevalent today can be attributed to individuals in gym environments who promote unrealistic and potentially harmful approaches to achieving physical goals. Over the past decades and continuing to the present day, some individuals in these settings have resorted to using steroids and supplements to artificially enhance muscle growth, often disregarding the long-term health consequences.
These individuals, who may have achieved muscular physiques through questionable means, often project their methods as the standard for achieving similar results to the public. This aggressive and misleading guidance has contributed to the proliferation of unwise and unsustainable diet practices.
It is important to recognize that the gym trainer mentality and culture, driven by a desire for quick results and enhanced external appearances, have played a significant role in promoting harmful dietary trends. At times, even medical professionals have become involved in endorsing or enabling such practices, further complicating the landscape of health and fitness advice.
Many doctors, despite their credentials, may provide unsound nutritional advice due to inadequate training in the field, often relying on limited education or information from a few sources. This can lead to the dissemination of incorrect or misguided information without practical experience to support it. In navigating the abundance of conflicting advice in the health and wellness industry, it becomes crucial to seek common sense amidst the chaos.
One common understanding that emerges is that no reputable health and wellness professional would endorse a diet consisting solely of fried Oreo cookies and gallons of ripple wine. This extreme example underscores the importance of moderation, balance, and making informed choices when it comes to nutrition and overall health. While the industry is filled with varying opinions and approaches, a foundation of sensible eating habits remains a fundamental principle that most experts agree upon.
There seems to be a universal consensus that a fundamental aspect of nutrition is to eliminate refined and processed foods. This principle should serve as the cornerstone of any dietary approach, regardless of the specific path chosen. Whether opting for a high-protein diet or transitioning to a plant-based diet, long-term success is more likely when processed foods are eliminated from one's eating habits.
While removing processed foods can lay a solid foundation for health, individual outcomes may vary based on various factors. For instance, a person following a plant-based diet may thrive if they manage stress levels, engage in regular exercise, and maintain a balanced lifestyle. Conversely, even a plant-based eater could face health challenges if plagued by anxiety, high stress levels, and insufficient physical activity. Ultimately, achieving optimal health and well-being involves a holistic approach that encompasses not only dietary choices but also factors such as stress management, physical activity, and overall lifestyle balance.
Regardless of the dietary lifestyle chosen—whether plant-based, meat-based, or somewhere in between—the key factor for overall health and well-being is to eliminate processed foods. A person's success or failure as a spokesperson for a particular diet is more likely influenced by factors such as stress levels, exercise habits, and overall outlook, rather than the specific diet itself.
For instance, an individual following a plant-based diet could make a poor spokesperson if they are overwhelmed by stress, lack exercise, and have a negative mindset. Similarly, a meat eater may struggle to embody a healthy image if they are stressed, inactive, and have a negative attitude.
Ultimately, maintaining a balanced lifestyle, focusing on whole, unprocessed foods, managing stress, staying physically active, and cultivating a positive mindset are crucial components for achieving and promoting overall health, regardless of one's chosen dietary path.
Looking beyond nutrition and examining the broader impact of plant-based eating versus meat consumption on the environment, world hunger, and even conflict, there is a compelling case for reducing or eliminating animal protein from our diets. The production of animal products contributes significantly to environmental degradation, deforestation, water pollution, and greenhouse gas emissions, all of which have far-reaching consequences for the planet and future generations.
In terms of global issues such as famine and warfare, the resources required to raise animals for food could be redirected to address food security and conflict resolution. By shifting towards plant-based diets, we can potentially alleviate strain on resources and contribute to a more sustainable and peaceful world.
Moreover, there is the ethical aspect of compassion towards animals that is often overlooked or dismissed by those who consume animal products. Over time, individuals may become desensitized to the suffering of animals bred for food, rationalizing their consumption through various justifications. This disconnect between our actions and the consequences for animals reflects a broader societal issue of empathy and ethical consideration.
While some religious teachings may endorse the consumption of animal products, there is a growing awareness and movement towards more compassionate and sustainable dietary practices, aligning with values of kindness, empathy, and environmental stewardship. By fostering a deeper understanding of the impacts of our food choices and cultivating compassion for all beings, we can strive towards a more harmonious and ethical relationship with our food and the world around us.
I have my own interpretation of biblical stories, including the story of Adam and Eve. In my perspective, the tale of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden symbolizes the gift of free will and intelligence bestowed upon humanity. They were instructed to consume fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, herbs, and roots, while refraining from imitating animals that rely on flesh foods due to their instinctual nature and limited understanding of plant-based nourishment. To me, the forbidden fruit represents a metaphor for forbidden flesh consumption in this context.
It aligns with the Seventh Commandment, "Thou shall not kill." Fast-forward to the storytellers' time, forbidding animal flesh from the human diet would have required a significant paradigm shift, met with resistance from a culture of nomadic people who did not live in fertile, fruit- and vegetable-bearing lands.
These nomadic people relied on animals that could consume vegetation impossible for humans to digest to build their flesh, which they then killed and ate. In regions like the Middle East and deserts, where pineapples and mangoes did not grow, they lacked irrigation, seeds, and botanical knowledge. Knowledge of plants is often inherent to the specific land and time.
In various regions, incredibly water-rich, vitamin- and mineral-rich fruits grow naturally. In these places, human beings would use fish or eggs to supplement their diet if there were shortfalls in crops or if pestilence destroyed valuable crops.
The story of Adam and Eve and the forbidden fruit is one of compassion in times of hunger and temptation, particularly addressing the bloodlust that arises when we consume the flesh of animals. While this may not apply as strongly to secretions and eggs, it is especially relevant when we eat tender flesh, which is loaded with juices, enzymes, and unique flavors, essentially distilling down to the taste of blood.
Once an animal experiences this, it is hard for it to forget that taste and aroma, associating it with nourishment. Can you get that same feeling from eating an avocado? Yes. Can you get that same feeling from eating an almond? Yes. Can you get that same feeling from eating a big salad with chickpeas and broccoli? Yes. Can you get that same feeling from eating rice and beans? Yes.
One key takeaway from this writing is the importance of eliminating processed foods and avoiding extreme dietary measures, such as consuming animal protein exclusively, just to lose weight. Such practices are not healthy in the long run. It's challenging to let go because we attach so much anxiety to our body types and physicality, which are linked to our sexuality. Plus, hunger can trigger anxiety, leading us back to unhealthy food choices.
I have never written in-depth about veganism because I have often approached it as if appealing to carnivores to try the food products I sell. Additionally, it wasn’t until recently that I became fully aware of the various causes of anxiety in my mind, one of which is latent, subtle subconscious guilt. I realized, a dozen years after becoming vegan, that I had subtle feelings of guilt when I thought about the animals I used to consume. This guilt was very subtle but significant.
I was desensitized to violence for various reasons, which I won't delve into here. Let's just say that after 10 or 12 years of being vegan, when I see a colony of ants moving food around, I don't want to kill them. I want to observe them quietly and let them be. When it comes to more complex animals like octopuses, dogs, cats, and countless others, I truly don’t want to harm them—they're incredibly beautiful.
I can't imagine that the universe created a planet filled with life just to perpetuate a cycle of destruction. Instead, we should strive to live harmoniously with all creatures.
On the other hand, I marvel at the universe's ability to create an infinite number of stars, each radiating an incredible amount of energy. Among these stars are creatures like plants that can harness this energy. The universe's creation of such a diverse and intricate system is truly remarkable. It seems that the universe is striving to evolve towards more conscious beings that can maintain peace without the need for violence to disrupt the harmony of frequencies.
This seems like a better way. Of course, this concept raises the question: Are plants conscious? I would say yes, they are. So, probably the universe is evolving to ensure that all creatures need to have exposure to a star at the right distance from it so they don't bake or freeze, and to have energy to move. This may never happen; it could go the opposite way. There may be fewer stars, less energy. We may move further away and perhaps evolve into flesh-eating creatures. Maybe we will replicate the molecules of flesh in our laboratories so that nothing has to die, but that still wouldn't be what's right for the human body at this time.
If scientists could find a way to bypass all of the mechanical digestive processes required for eating, and then develop a method to transform the body into a ten times more efficient waste removal and cleansing machine, perhaps it wouldn't make a difference. One day, one might envision a scenario where every human being has a mechanical device inserted into their body, perhaps near the pancreas, allowing individuals to easily adjust the levels of hormones like testosterone, adrenaline, cortisol, or any other required hormone as needed by the body.
In the future, if a person needed more insulin to regulate sugar levels, for example, they could receive additional insulin automatically. It might be envisioned that anxiety could become a thing of the past, and if a person regressed into anxiety and turned to eating, a substance could be released into their body chemistry to reassure them that they are safe, okay, and full. Another substance could be released to guide them towards an alternative activity, other than eating, buying something, or any other action, to help them feel okay just by breathing.
I do not resent meat eaters in any way because I used to be one, and I have many friends who eat meat, in fact, most of them do. If I were to be judgmental or angry, it would imply that I consider myself superior to others or possess some advantage they lack. Alternatively, I might feel resentful because I believe they are hindering me from living the life I desire. However, that's not the case. No one prevents me from feeling, thinking, and living the way I choose at this moment, certainly not because of their dietary choices. If someone disagrees with me, I welcome them to write about me and attempt to challenge my beliefs. Perhaps when I'm 90, I'll reflect and realize that everything I said was wrong.
I used to believe that I should be consuming a dozen eggs and 2 pounds of flesh matter every day. However, at this moment, I do not experience aches and pains in my body, although I find it impossible to relax my mind. While I often enjoy the sounds of birds singing, I do not like to see them lying dead on my plate. I am more captivated by cattle roaming freely on the land than by the bloody remnants of their existence on my plate. I prefer feeling light on my feet rather than heavy in my belly. These preferences have become important to me. Given my industry, I must be cautious about how I conduct myself and discuss these topics, as I attract more attention than just a person standing on a soapbox in the middle of Union Square Park.
I write books on the subject of menus, and I created this website, so I am very cautious about how I discuss these topics as a representative of the lifestyle that I promote. I encourage you to think about your diet in terms of more than just shedding some fat on your buttocks or toning your triceps—although, I admit, that can be frustrating. It can cause stress. But in reality, it's rather trivial. If we aim to improve, let's find a sustainable way to do so. Let's actually achieve our goals. If you want to shape up your body, let's work towards that goal. Let's not just complain about it, get anxious, or become depressed, as these actions will only diminish our overall energy and harm our immune system.
The vibration and frequency we emit resonate into the world and bounce back onto ourselves. Today marks the beginning of your journey to improve your diet. Read something about dieting, even if you disagree with me. Consider exploring alternative perspectives and trying them out. I'm not asking you to follow me; I do not lead a religion or cult. Most people who read my work will never visit my food establishments, so I pursue my path for my own benefit. I enjoy writing and sharing my thoughts. I am a technical-oriented person who is also emotional and sensitive. I analyze my feelings and behaviors and take action to make use of them. I don't get bogged down by excessive knowledge.
I must admit, I'm not exceptionally intelligent, so I don't seek an overwhelming amount of knowledge. I acquire what I need to make informed decisions, just like you, as you are still here on this planet. Rather than engaging in debates with voracious meat-eating individuals, I simply encourage them to practice mindfulness, engage in physical activities, and contemplate compassion. I challenge them to live on a farm where there is an abundance of vegetation and livestock. Perhaps they could spend ten days in silence, without any contact with devices, and with no friends around, becoming friends with the animals. Through this experience, they may discover the incredible relationships that animals have with each other and with plants.
Observe their behavior, observe all aspects of their behavior. For instance, if you're a carnivore, then you're akin to the big cats, like lions or tigers. However, don't just focus on their ferocity; consider their entire lives. How long do those animals typically live? How much mental capacity do they require? How much sleep do they need? How long do they have to fast when they can't make a kill? What diseases are common causes of death for them?
Add this notation that although sunlight or stars are the primary source of energy for life, there are plants like those found on Earth that rely on chemical transmissions from earthbound locations deep within the oceans that are a source of fuel for a select few creatures.
In conclusion, my journey and reflections on diet and nutrition have led me to advocate for a plant-based lifestyle, not just for personal health, but for the broader implications on our environment and ethical considerations. I encourage everyone to explore and question their dietary habits, to seek a balance that aligns with their values, and to consider the impact of their food choices on their well-being and the world around them. The path to a healthier and more compassionate way of eating is a personal journey, but one that can have profound positive effects on ourselves and the planet.