Body: The Amazing Codebreaker

Body: The Amazing Codebreaker

In this article, I aim to draw a parallel between the formation of the cosmos and the process of digesting food into essential nutrients.

It's truly astonishing how the human body functions as a sophisticated codebreaker and puzzle assembler. In reality, every living organism and non-living matter, serves as an exceptional ‘assembler’ of various elements, particles, energies, frequencies, vibrations, and forces, operating on scales smaller than we can perceive.

When we consume a piece of meat, for example, our bodies begin the process of breaking it down with digestive acids. This disassembles the flesh matter, which was previously assembled as the animal, by the animal.

As we ingest, break down, and assimilate the meat through our various body mechanisms, the components are reassembled into cells, tissues, muscles, bones, organs, nerves, and blood.

Plants do almost the same thing as they harness scattered light particles from the star we call the sun and convert those particles into energy for their growth and to support their daily metabolic processes.

Now, consider this bite of meat: to assimilate and absorb it into our bodies, we must first break it down by chewing. Once it reaches our stomach, it encounters a range of chemicals that gradually break it down into smaller components.

Our digestive system employs mechanical and chemical processes to break down food into smaller components. Food is initially broken down into molecules like proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. These molecules are further broken down into basic building blocks such as amino acids, simple sugars, and fatty acids. The body's cells can then absorb these basic building blocks for functions like energy production, growth, and repair. It's important to note that atoms are the smallest units of matter, and during digestion, food molecules are broken down into smaller components than individual atoms.

In order to absorb nutrients effectively, our bodies must break down food to the quantum level before reorganizing it into larger structures such as cells, tissues, organs, and bones.

Through its incredible wisdom and miraculous capabilities, our body reassembles these elements as needed. This continuous process extends even to the breakdown of air, where our body separates and absorbs oxygen from the air we breathe.

When exposed to polluted air, our body must separate the molecules comprising the pollutants from the oxygen and eliminate those toxins. This detoxification process places additional strain on the body and requires extra energy to accomplish.

The same principle applies to food/nutrition. Every food source contains toxins/waste materials that the body needs to process and eliminate. When the body is overwhelmed by these toxins, and they accumulate faster than the body can effectively remove them, it can lead to toxicity, dysfunction, illness, accelerated aging, disease, and ultimately death.

Plants are a vital source of essential nutrients for humans due to their remarkable ability to transform sunlight, water, carbon dioxide, and nutrients from the soil into a diverse range of essential compounds like vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. By incorporating a diverse and balanced plant-based diet into their lifestyle, individuals can access a broad spectrum of nutrients crucial for sustaining optimal health and overall well-being.

The flesh of animals, regardless of the species, contains potentially harmful compounds like waste materials present in the animal's body at the time of its death. When we consume animal flesh, our bodies must process these toxins. Furthermore, the chemical reactions involved in breaking down and eliminating animal-derived foods generate byproducts that also need to be expelled from our system.

The process of eliminating toxins from food places a strain on our physiological systems and necessitates energy expenditure. This energy, crucial not only for basic functions like movement and respiration but also for higher-level cognitive processes, is diverted towards the task of removing toxic substances. Furthermore, this energy reserve plays a vital role in supporting the immune system, enabling it to respond effectively to imminent threats to our health and well-being.



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