transcendence: a journey into consciousness

transcendence: a journey into consciousness

My primary perspective on the word meditation is that it appears nonsensical.

To those new to the practice, this statement may seem bewildering. Why would a revered practice like meditation, which has freed countless minds from suffering, be considered nonsensical? It falls into the realm of nonsense because all philosophical concepts do. Any thought structure that distracts the mind from the present moment is essentially nonsensical. Philosophy that conditions us to adopt a dualistic approach, such as enlightenment versus ignorance, ultimately acts as a barrier. While it may lead to an expanded consciousness, it eventually reaches a dead end, forcing us to retrace our steps and return to where we started.

It is preferable to let go of philosophy and concepts altogether. The ideal approach is to sit still and simply be. However, this is an incredibly challenging task. Along our journey from childhood to the present, numerous distractions, confusions, and turmoil divert us from being compassionate and present beings. In this context, meditation becomes a positive term as it serves as a remedy for us to consume, hopefully allowing us to rediscover ourselves.

To what end do we bring ourselves back? We bring ourselves back to the open consciousness we possessed when we were born. It is the complete perception of compassion, love, and the feeling of safety we may have experienced just before losing it, although sadly, some individuals never had that to begin with.

When we assimilate the knowledge we have gathered from the world and return to an open and focused state of mind, directed entirely towards the present moment, we can enter a state of bliss. Bliss transcends Nirvana, happiness, and fleeting physical sensations that are unsustainable and bring us back down. Bliss is the absence of dualistic thinking. It is a moment where we integrate all aspects of our mind and our entire consciousness, merging them into a unified collective existence, where we become one with all things.

However, attaining this state of mind is difficult when we are trapped amidst the potential turmoil of the human mind, like being adrift in a raging sea. Negative emotions and anxieties flood our being, distracting us from the present moment. We find ourselves on a small lifeboat at the mercy of the turbulent seas, relying on security blankets we discover along the way to keep us together. Yet, deep down, we have faith that there is another way of living, a way that involves gradually expanding our consciousness and awakening our minds, shifting from negativity to positivity.

It is absolutely crucial that we practice observing how we think and frame things as negative or positive. We must consciously shift our perspective as much as possible toward the positive. One might question whether this is a form of denial—denial of negativity. Is negativity itself a denial of the positive? Ultimately, it does not matter. Even if it is a denial of society's accepted perception, if an individual can view the world through a positive lens, continuously fueling a stream of gratitude, that person becomes a master. Such an individual will carry out compassionate deeds in this world and open their mind to realms that most people in society do not contemplate. The majority of people in our society are preoccupied with achieving things. Unfortunately, we become consumed by the struggle for money to pay our bills, obtain a house, secure comforts, and ensure we have food without suffering or struggle. From a natural perspective, this pursuit seems justified. It is the right thing to do as long as it does not lead to negative side effects and suffering in our lives. The inherent struggle for food, even among native people who had to cope with nature's challenges, imbued things with a sacred perspective. They held deep appreciation and respect for the sustenance provided by the planet. They were grateful for the very existence they experienced. Their relationship with the creatures they consumed was characterized by profound admiration and respect. One could argue that this was an age of innocence.

It is all too easy for human beings to become corrupted. When someone associates abundance in the natural world with more than mere survival, attaching it to something they feel internally, such as pride, they open the door to a dangerous possibility. They might think, "I don't just need one buffalo, I need six. I don't need a simple mat and a TV; I need twelve." When individuals become enamored with power and the potential for fame, the temptation to engage in corrupt actions arises. However, if one's fascination lies with the positive aspects of this world, with their own capabilities, and if they actively pursue virtuous deeds, the risk of corruption diminishes. When someone follows a positive path and engages in positive actions, their fame and wealth become irrelevant to their spiritual awakening.

Consider a world-famous rock star with millions of fans. It is entirely possible for them to attain enlightenment and then return to the stage. Even after smashing a guitar in a performance, they can remain fully conscious and present in the moment. Fame does not have to limit one's consciousness. The problem with fame and power arises when the human ego becomes fearful of losing its status and authority. In this state, individuals may resort to corruption to preserve their position.

It is essential for us to navigate these complexities as we strive for a more awakened state of being. We must continually question our motives and remain vigilant in observing our thoughts and actions. By doing so, we can cultivate a positive perspective, fostering gratitude and compassion within ourselves. While the path may be challenging, it is one that leads to a deeper understanding of existence and the interconnectedness of all things.

In conclusion, meditation, despite its initial appearance of being nonsensical, serves as a powerful tool for returning to our innate state of open consciousness. It allows us to transcend dualistic thinking and merge all aspects of our being into a unified whole. However, achieving such a state requires navigating the distractions and negative emotions that can plague our minds. By cultivating positivity, practicing gratitude, and questioning our motives, we can gradually expand our consciousness and awaken to the present moment. In doing so, we align ourselves with a more compassionate and awakened way of living, transcending the trappings of fame, power, and corruption.

This awakened way of living is not without its challenges. The journey towards expanded consciousness and present-moment awareness requires discipline, patience, and inner work. It is all too easy to be swept away by the relentless waves of negative thoughts, emotions, and external distractions.

To navigate the sea of the mind, we must develop a sense of inner stability and resilience. We can anchor ourselves by establishing a regular meditation practice, which serves as a compass guiding us back to the present moment. Through meditation, we cultivate the ability to observe our thoughts and emotions without judgment, allowing them to arise and pass away like waves in the ocean. This practice helps us develop a deeper understanding of our own inner landscape and enables us to respond to life's challenges with clarity and equanimity.

Along the way, we may encounter resistance and obstacles. The mind, conditioned by years of habitual patterns and societal conditioning, may resist the stillness and simplicity of meditation. It may seek validation through external achievements, material possessions, or the pursuit of power. Yet, we must remind ourselves that true fulfillment and awakening come from within, not from the transient world outside.

As we progress on this path, we begin to realize that the pursuit of external success and material possessions alone cannot bring lasting happiness and fulfillment. We see through the illusion that happiness lies in the accumulation of wealth, fame, or power. Instead, we discover that true happiness arises from the cultivation of inner qualities such as compassion, gratitude, and inner peace.

Meditation becomes a transformative practice, not just for ourselves but also for the world around us. As we awaken to our interconnectedness, we recognize that our actions ripple out and affect the collective consciousness. By embodying compassion and love in our daily lives, we inspire others to do the same. We become beacons of light in a world often overshadowed by negativity and division.

In this awakened state, we transcend the limited perspective of the ego and embrace a broader awareness of our shared humanity. We recognize that the well-being of others is intimately linked to our own well-being. We extend our circle of compassion to include all beings, fostering a sense of unity and harmony.

So, while the journey of meditation may initially appear as nonsense to the skeptical mind, it unveils profound truths and opens doors to higher states of consciousness. It teaches us to let go of limiting beliefs and conditioned thought patterns, inviting us to experience the boundless depths of our true nature.

In the end, meditation is not merely a word or a practice; it becomes a way of life—an invitation to explore the vastness of our own being and to discover the profound interconnectedness of all existence. It is a journey that leads us back home to the essence of who we truly are—awake, compassionate, and fully present in each precious moment.

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