Awareness of Anxiety

Awareness of Anxiety

Modern societies serve as a time capsule, revealing the thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and appearances of past generations.

When we begin to awaken from the subconscious dream we typically live in, we start to feel a connection with all of time, matter, and consciousness itself.

If a teacher becomes overly attached to their role, they regress in consciousness. This attachment is counterproductive and wastes valuable time.

In my view, time is precious, so it's crucial not to spend it in a state of worry or anxiety. These states are essentially forms of fear.

I understand that we don't intentionally perpetuate these patterns of anxiety, and it's not a simple task to just stop feeling anxious. It requires significant effort and dedication. I believe the initial step in overcoming persistent anxiety is becoming aware of when it arises.

Our society, the collective consciousness of our community, significantly impacts our state of mind. If society is anxious, it will create school systems that teach and perpetuate anxiety, leading to a cycle where anxiety begets more anxiety.

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