The universe is unfolding. It was once very compact. Evolution is a beautiful theory describing this process. The concept of evolution is that everything in the universe is born, dies, and then repeats as an improved version. This cycle ensures continuous improvement, as previous versions were incomplete. On Earth, life is a cycle of death and struggle, with every creature trying to eat everything else. Emerging from this natural violence is the human being, unique in our lack of defined instincts. Instead, we possess intelligence for decision-making. This means a single human can change and evolve significantly within their lifetime, without waiting for countless generations. Humans can adapt our shelters, customs, and eating habits. Our free will is steering us toward relying on plants instead of taking the lives of conscious beings that suffer and defend themselves.
Some people might not detect this suffering, prioritizing their own survival and believing that eating other creatures is natural. However, every animal we consume affects its offspring or parent, causing suffering. The higher up the food chain, the more conscious the creature. Cows and pigs are intelligent, and even octopuses and fish think and try to escape predators. Compassion is an unfolding journey, revealing that we don't need to kill to survive. While we inevitably crush bacteria and kill insects during our daily activities, these deaths are unavoidable. One could argue this karma is repaid as we become food for these organisms after we die. However, thousands of avoidable deaths occur for food, leather goods, and decorative items.
This message is not for everyone, and the writer does not judge anyone for their choices. It is simply presenting information. Humans are not specifically designed as carnivores; our teeth, lack of claws, poor night vision, poor sense of smell to detect prey, and the length of our digestive organs suggest we are more suited to a herbivorous diet, supplemented with some flesh. Consider these points.