Philosophy, Methodology, and Mindfulness

Philosophy, Methodology, and Mindfulness

Advanced practitioners of mindfulness certainly have philosophies they could teach about the craft. But you'll notice that when experienced teachers come together, they often debate the efficacy of philosophy itself. Some people choose to only discuss methodology, and while I've heard arguments for that approach, I suggest that methodology is, in itself, a philosophy. The key is realizing that philosophy must be practical, providing instruction and direction for a person to work through their obstacles. Pursuing philosophy that delves into abstract problems, which may never be satisfactorily solved, can waste energy and set traps for the mind to get stuck in. I guess that’s a path. 

Creating those types of traps for the mind might also be a method to enlightenment, but it’s like taking the longest path or one filled with jagged rocks. The simplest path is to master the art of breathing deeply with intention. Bring yourself back to the breath, get into the present moment, and experience the sensation of being.

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