Manifesting for the intelligent modern person often sounds like a very stupid word. It resembles the jargon healthy companies use to sell vitamins or superfoods. However, the person hearing the word doesn't realize they're fortunate because just by hearing it, the concept enters their brain, prompting them to manifest something. This means they will create something because a thought or a word got into their head, and over time, it moved, shifted, shaped, and formed, leading to more thoughts, reactions, and actions. Eventually, something will be manifested because of that.

So, when you hear the word "manifest," just realize it's a fancy term for creating and doing. We dislike when people talk about it because they often sound smug or arrogant, as if they know something we don't or are just full of it. Manifesting isn't just about wishful thinking; it's about the power of thoughts turning into actions. For example, if I think about hanging pictures in my new apartment, I can visualize the entire process. This visualization leads to planning and taking action the next day. My body will naturally follow through because I've already mentally rehearsed it.
In the same way, we can aim for more challenging goals. Suppose you want to be an actor paid $38 million for a movie. Manifesting begins with thinking about it and visualizing the steps to achieve it. Writing down your goals is the first step. To achieve that dream, you might need to take acting lessons, go to auditions, and give your best effort. This process is manifesting—putting in effort and using energy toward that purpose.
Here's the reality: for every successful person who claims they manifested their success, thousands more may have tried the same but didn't reach measurable success. Does luck play a role? Yes, there are factors beyond our control. However, we can make ourselves open to opportunities. When someone offers to teach you how to act, don't dismiss it because it wasn't part of your original plan. Capitalize on opportunities as they arise.
Manifesting also involves preparing our minds to receive what we're striving for. By focusing on our desires, needs, and goals, we become more aware of the obstacles like procrastination, fears, and low self-esteem. Bringing these issues to the surface allows us to address them and find peace with the idea that as long as we're trying to manifest and are breathing, we are successful. We exist, we sense, we feel, we are conscious and present. Living a positive, moral life and helping those who suffer can be our most significant legacy.
Instead of just aspiring to be an actor earning $38 million, look deeper and say, "I want to make people laugh, feel, and experience consciousness through my craft." This objective is beautiful. Do it without attachment to the outcome, be compassionate to yourself, and don't self-destruct if you don't see immediate success. Be present, create, and manifest. No matter what you create, you were part of the process, and that is satisfying.
We can only manifest activities and creations that work within the laws of physics. Things do not manifest from superstitious beliefs or magic. We manifest what is in alignment with the natural order of things. In other words, you cant take swan dive out of your 98th floor window and manifest a soft landing, you will explode on impact. You can buy a parachute the week before and manifest a soft land