There’s obviously something happening in the world that you are in that you landed here many years ago through birth. You’ve been on a long journey learning things.
Interesting enough, what percentage do you think that the human being learns through communication with our elders and our community versus what we learn just by sitting and observing the movement in nature. Is it possible that a human being, if left with love and nurture alone but with very little communication with the outside world, would discover things like fire and have any concept of the inner workings of the human body, the cosmos, or even earth? It is incredibly important that information from our elders is passed on to us. We rely on that. Each generation would be completely lost without that; it would be as if every generation was starting over from scratch.
Other animals have things in their genetic material that are like programs put onto the hard drive of a computer. The crocodile does not have to be taught how to hunt or what food looks like. It sees its prey and moves at it to attack and eat it. Human beings have very few instincts. There are likely some, but because we have a mechanism to override our instincts, our instincts are secondary to what we are programmed with in our early lives. Our early lives take over. This overwrites any of the programmed software that could possibly reflect what instincts look like in other animals.
One instinct for sure that we have is that we gravitate towards things that are comfortable, like love and support. We instinctively want to be fed when we’re hungry, and when we feel satiated, we are attracted to soft and gentle faces. Throughout our lives, our instincts are written over by experiences. So it could be that a person later in life develops away from wanting things that are gentle and soft; they can evolve to become people who only respond to negative things. This can certainly be unwoven by certain types of intellectual and emotional healing.