Inner Wisdom vs. Exploration

Inner Wisdom vs. Exploration

There’s an old expression that says you don’t have to leave the confines of your home to know the ways of the world. At first glance, that hardly seems feasible. After all, you need to leave your home to visit the Eiffel Tower to truly know what Paris is like. However, the expression really means that knowledge of universal truth and compassion isn't something you simply pick up on the street. It comes from inner work and reaching a place of self-acceptance.

This expression also highlights that you can travel to the farthest corners of the universe, touch every planet in all the galaxies, and still come back knowing nothing about the human heart or how to relax your mind. It's meant to reassure young people who often feel anxious about not getting enough done or not trying enough things. Feeling this way is perfectly normal because we are inquisitive creatures; that's how we learn and create safety.

I believe we should venture out into the world and experience it. We should have courage, but never be foolish or careless. Cultures, places, people, and philosophies about consciousness—all these experiences enrich our lives. We only have one life, so let's embrace love and relationships fully.

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