happiness and our preferences

happiness and our preferences

We all have preferences about things that we feel will improve the quality of our lives, and that's OK.

It doesn't make sense for most people to do things that they don't like to do their whole lives, and our preferences make it so that many of us don't have to. It's my preference to not see garbage when I go to the beach, so I don't spread it. And when I see garbage that someone else left, I’ll pick some of it up. A clean beach area is my preference.

I eat a vegan diet because I prefer it. I love my wife, and I married her because I preferred having her, rather than anyone else, to be my partner. I prefer having money to not having money. I love exercise because I prefer being physically fit to not being fit.

I prefer some things, and I don't prefer others. I don't like donuts, so I prefer not to eat them. I prefer not to wear sunglasses. I love the trees, and I prefer that people not cut them down.

Preferences can contribute significantly to your happiness. They are aligned to many things, such as your biology, chemistry, anatomy, and previous experiences. They help you make judgments and shape your perspectives about life. Yet you must take care that they don’t become attachments that potentially prevent you from experiencing life to the fullest: That can become the case if your preferences keep you from trying new things or having unique experiences that could broaden your horizons.

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