i am going to india to get rich

i am going to india to get rich

I'm going to India with a plan to get rich. During my time there, I visited various ashrams and listened to great masters speak about consciousness. Witnessing people's reactions, I realized I could use this to my advantage. I have skills in retail, construction, branding, and even creating a cozy café with delicious food. So, here's my scheme: I'll bring along peyote, ganja, ayahuasca, mushrooms, frog poison, those eye drops that induce pain, and tobacco.

In India, I'll give lectures and host medicine retreats. I know I don’t have proper training, but I don't have time for formalities. I did some research online and learned from professional shamans how to serve medicines and I think I will be fine. I am a quick learner. This is my big opportunity to make millions of dollars easily.

My plan involves creating an ashram that resembles a castle, where I'll meditate through the night, possibly even channeling messages from the cosmos. Alternatively, I could memorize the teachings of Alan Watts and Deepak Chopra and share profound insights. Beautiful candles will burn all day, and my disciples will have glitter and rose petals in their hair. Rich tourists will be captivated by our social media posts, and before long, I'll have established the Lotus Flower Institute or something similar.

With this plant medicine empire, I'll make a fortune by capitalizing on the current popularity of spirituality, especially through social media. By offering these trippy medicines, people will believe they're experiencing profound inner transformations. Labor is inexpensive in India, so I could employ locals to sell my imports on every corner. Eventually, I can expand globally, refining the medicines, making them more accessible, affordable, and potent. This project isn't just a small venture; it has the potential to become a multi-billion dollar empire.

This story I'm portraying here is an extreme illustration to shed light on the importance of understanding and respecting the true essence of sacred plant medicines. These medicines were discovered and passed down through generations, carrying immense spiritual value. Only those who truly grasp the sacredness and live a lifestyle in alignment with ancestral instructions are qualified to serve them.

The elders who passed down these medicines understood the risks of putting them into the wrong hands—those with broken hearts or corrupted intentions. Misusing these consciousness-opening substances could amplify anxieties and contribute to further corruption. Therefore, the role of a shaman, a true healer, requires extensive training and mastery of five disciplines.

The first discipline: a shaman must refrain from taking any life, including animals, for personal gain or material purposes.

The second discipline: a shaman must prioritize the well-being and safety of their family members above all else. Before embarking on their healing journey, they must ensure their family is secure.

The third discipline: a shaman must take exceptional care of their physical body to serve as a role model for a calm and organized mind. Maintaining cleanliness, both externally and internally, is crucial. A pure diet, free from processed foods and animal products, along with regular physical exercise, contributes to overall well-being.

The fourth discipline: a shaman should not lead a life of excess or flaunt their wealth. Instead, they should utilize their resources for beneficial purposes and avoid unnecessary attachments.

The fifth discipline: a shaman must transcend superstitions and embrace the law of cause and effect. Their beliefs should revolve around compassion, love, and the power of breath when connecting with it. Progress is made through imperfect philosophies.

Becoming a shaman is a personal journey that requires living by these disciplines and immersing oneself in the teachings of handling the medicines and guiding others' experiences. Balancing personal healing and helping others can be draining, leading to vulnerability to triggers. Therefore, shamans must have training methods to maintain personal balance and overall well-being.

The focus of this article is on emphasizing the importance of respect, training, and understanding when working with sacred plant medicines and the role of a shaman.

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