Be Healthy. Be Happy!

Be Healthy. Be Happy!

How does one define “healthy”? It’s easy. When we are symptom-free and happy, we are healthy.

This is not only the academically-accepted definition, but it’s philosophically sound reasoning.

A person can be healthy if they do the following things: Eliminate processed food, reduce the intake of animal protein, eat plenty of fresh fruit, cease eating late at night, eliminate alcohol and tobacco, maintain a positive point of view, develop and maintain a compassionate belief system, exercise regularly, and drink a lot of raw fresh juices and smoothies.

If your health has been diminished by overwhelming factors, you still have the ability to heal yourself as long as your natural pathways to recovery are still open. If they are closed, then invite intervention in and work to be the best that you can be.

Think healthy and take action! Don’t be hard on yourself. Do kind things for others. Don’t waste time. No matter what, you are OK. We are all OK!

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