sourdough bread: no-processed sugar, no-refined flours

sourdough bread: no-processed sugar, no-refined flours

Here's a recipe for a no-processed sugar, no-refined flours sourdough bread:

- 1 cup active sourdough starter
- 2 cups whole wheat flour
- 1 3/4 cups all-purpose flour or bread flour
- 1 1/2 teaspoons sea salt
- 1 1/2 cups warm water


1. In a large mixing bowl, combine the active sourdough starter, whole wheat flour, all-purpose flour (or bread flour), and sea salt.

2. Gradually add warm water to the mixture while stirring. Mix until all the ingredients are well combined and a sticky dough forms.

3. Cover the bowl with a clean kitchen towel or plastic wrap and let it rest at room temperature for about 4-6 hours, or until the dough has doubled in size. This is the bulk fermentation stage.

4. After the bulk fermentation, generously flour a clean work surface and turn the dough out onto it. Gently shape the dough into a round or oval shape, being careful not to overwork it.

5. Place the shaped dough into a floured banneton or a well-floured bowl, seam side up. Cover it with a kitchen towel and let it proof for another 2-3 hours, or until it has visibly risen and feels light and airy.

6. Preheat your oven to 450°F (230°C) and place a Dutch oven or a cast-iron pot with a lid inside to preheat as well.

7. Once the dough has finished proofing, carefully transfer it to the preheated Dutch oven or cast-iron pot. Score the top of the dough with a sharp knife to allow for expansion.

8. Cover the pot with the lid and bake for 30 minutes. Then, remove the lid and bake for an additional 15-20 minutes, or until the bread has a golden brown crust.

9. Once the bread is baked, remove it from the oven and transfer it to a cooling rack. Allow it to cool completely before slicing.

10. Enjoy your homemade sourdough bread without processed sugar or refined flours! It's perfect for toasting, making sandwiches, or serving with your favorite spreads.

Note: Sourdough bread requires a longer fermentation process compared to traditional yeast bread. The exact timing may vary depending on the temperature and activity of your sourdough starter. Adjust the timing as needed to achieve the desired rise and flavor in your bread.
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