Who the heck am I to teach anyone anything about any aspect of life? I’m not a physicist, a medical doctor, a psychologist, or a billionaire. I haven’t won any giant contest, and who even knows if I am successful? I don’t have a lot of followers, I can’t slam dunk, I don’t have a Ferrari or a gold watch. I am nothing. I am nothing but thought and activity. I think about stuff. So I am that. Then I get out of bed in the morning and I start doing stuff. And I do stuff all day long. I’m stepping on the grass, crushing the leaves, pushing them deeper into the earth. I’m turning on my car. I am part of the economy. I am part of pollution. I am part of warfare, I am part of love, I am part of everything. I am a tiny speck of consciousness. I might live 100 years. I might do headstands when I’m 99; that might be the only thing I’m known for. I may invent a great fruit drink. I may be the father of the next Messiah. I know it is not me. I do not have that type of complex. I admire Leonardo da Vinci more than I do other great historical figures. Jokes aside, I am deadly serious when I need to be. I’m full of fear and I’m full of courage. I’m full of truth, and who knows, I may be full of shit. Maybe everything that I’m dreaming of is total nonsense. Maybe my philosophies are part of my arrogance. Maybe they are 100% repetitive and redundant repeats of other people's knowledge, and I just want to sound smart so I decipher it into my language.
But you would be a fool to not read my words carefully and see if there was any truth. What am I talking about, after all? And no, I’m not talking about myself and how you should believe in me and follow me absolutely not. I’m talking about your health and believing in yourself and following yourself. I’m giving you the tips that have helped me throughout my life. The greatest one was becoming aware of my breathing patterns and working to learn how the breath controls everything. It wasn’t until I was 50 that my eyes opened up to this, even though I had been studying it for years before and could hear nothing.
Regarding the causes of my suffering, which were stress and anxiety, they were obviously induced by the types of thoughts that were flowing through my mind at all times. But I didn’t really hear the solution. I was in disbelief with yoga and didn’t really understand that if I could breathe longer and deeper and take in more oxygen, I would create relaxation in my central nervous system. This would reduce the physical sensations of anxiety, which have a massive impact on how the mind perceives discomfort and happiness. You live with that, you live in a hyper state of anxiety for most of your life, thinking it’s completely normal because it’s what everyone else is doing. It’s what our parents were doing. It’s what’s everywhere in society, as much as you possibly understand.