The primary objective of my writing on this website is to create a personal instruction book for myself, ensuring I have comprehensive notes for guidance on various tasks throughout my life. By documenting these instructions during periods of clarity, I aim to be prepared for any situation. Although I strive for daily clarity, external factors beyond my control may hinder it. Therefore, I find it essential to plan ahead, staying focused on the present moment and articulating ideas in an easily understandable manner. Furthermore, I share this material with others, avoiding a preachy tone or portraying myself as an expert or guru in the field, as I humbly acknowledge my flaws and imperfections.
As a flawed human being, I have made significant mistakes and achieved notable successes in my life. I don't consider myself a teacher, except to my children and myself. As a parent, I embrace the responsibility of providing guidance and inspiration, but I don't hold myself accountable for others' actions or choices. Nevertheless, I genuinely enjoy sharing valuable knowledge that has positively impacted my own life.
It is wise to present such insights in the later sections of the website, considering my fallibility and acknowledging that teaching is not my primary profession. My hope is that readers may derive something constructive from my writings and enhance their own lives. The most beneficial course of action would be to test and verify any teachings I offer to ensure their effectiveness. By doing so, it becomes easier to apply them in the real world and potentially influence more people to improve our planet.
Guarding against a messiah complex is crucial, as it can be a distracting force. If recognition gained from teaching ancient principles inflates your ego, remember that absolute power corrupts absolutely. This serves as a powerful reminder to stay on the right path. I offer this warning to anyone who views themselves as a great teacher with vast knowledge. Falling into this trap can feel like being shackled by a heavy weight. Exercise utmost caution in navigating this path.