(Image: A blend of artificial intelligence and actual photos of me, enhancing my physique and making me look more cut and interesting than I am in real life.)
Balanced, I want to feel the imbalance. I want to see the imperfections and work on them. I want to be flexible. I want that head rush, to be dizzy, to sweat, and to stress. I want to find love at every corner and never forget.
Who am I accountable to with my fitness and health regimens? How have I structured that in my life? On one hand, I could be accountable to a team. If I am a good player on a team, the team counts on me to be fit, in shape, have the right mental attitude, and play my heart out on the field. If I don’t have a team but have fans, then I am accountable to the fans when I get up on stage.
Some people may want to maintain their health so their children can see them in good condition when they grow up, making them accountable to their children.
I am accountable to my entire species. I was put here, just like you, to advance our species in every way and help ensure the continuation of life. It takes more brainpower than you think to survive on this planet. It’s not just the dangers in the environment or the risk of disease; it’s all the stress we create in our minds from moment to moment. Living a stressful life is unhealthy, so we have a deep craving for activities, mobility, exercise, and strength training. How can we not want to feel the burn and the pain in our muscles? How could we not relish feeling a charley horse or pushing our heart rate? When I exercise and feel pain the day after, I know I’m living my life right. I’m willing to get injured to stay in shape—not on purpose, obviously. I take my precautions, but when I compete, I compete smart. When I move, I move smart. But when I’m out there doing it, I don’t second-guess myself. I push hard, and if I get injured, I recover.
I hold myself accountable to raising my consciousness and feeling better, to feeling strength in my body. I want to feel power, strength, balance, and imbalance. I want to see the imperfections and work on them. I want to be flexible. I want that head rush; I want to be dizzy. I want to sweat, stress, and find love at every corner.
"I am not perfect. I am not a guru. I am not a master. I am constantly learning. I am a child. I am a fool. I have ego, I have karma. I write for myself and I write, hoping that I leave a positive message behind. I hope that something that I write will help a younger person skip over my traumas in their own life." —Marcus Antebi