NEW BOOK: "Anywhere, But Now"

NEW BOOK: "Anywhere, But Now"

"Anywhere, But Now" is a succinct book I've co-authored with the universe's assistance, featuring unique breathing and meditation exercises. Rather than instructing on how to exist in the present, I share insights from my 55 years of living elsewhere in time and space. This work reflects on the human mind's operations through the lenses of Yogic tradition, Buddhist philosophy, psychology, and widely discussed philosophies. It reveals how I spent three decades engulfed in anxiety without conscious recognition, despite obvious behavioral indications.

This book is not an unforgiving critique of my life but an exploration into how my past has shaped my mental state and the journey towards positive momentum. As an amateur writer passionate about crafting books without the pursuit of publication, due to a lack of confidence, this project has become my most cherished creation.

"I am not perfect. I am not a guru. I am not a master, I am constantly learning. I am a child. I am a fool. I have ego, I have karma. I write for myself and I write, hoping that I leave a positive message behind. I hope that something that I write will help a younger person skip over my traumas in their own life." —Marcus Antebi

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