This guide makes certain assumptions about the reader (you). The assumption I’m making is that you are not entangled with a multiple number of seriously toxic addictions other than your smoking. For the most part, food addictions and typical self-esteem issues are not what I would consider to be seriously toxic; most people struggle with such things.
But if you are in the throes of an addiction even more toxic than smoking as your primary addiction it’s a different story. If that’s the case, then you really need to pick the addiction that’s the most dangerous to your survival and work on that first.
If you’re reading this, it’s likely that you’re either at or very close to your emotional bottom. As painful as it may be, it’s not a bad thing that you are at that place, as will be explained.
It doesn’t require a lot of thought to see the wisdom of quitting smoking. Smoking is like grabbing a hammer and banging your thumb with it over and over again. As you do it, you endure the pain, deny it, and maybe even find some enjoyment in it. You made a choice to live with this behavior, and now it’s normalized to you.
It’s going to take some practice to hold to the view that smoking is completely ridiculous. Just because it’s been around, just because there’s legislation in your government about it, just because someone took the time to put cigarettes in a box and give them a name, and just because other people do it doesn’t mean that smoking makes an inkling of sense.
There is no benefit to smoking. Just as much as there’s likely no benefit to smashing your thumb with a hammer. I’m not judging you, but I am judging the habit of smoking. You have to put it in your mind that even though you might not be able to see it yet, smoking is totally asinine.
It is not glamorous. It is not cool. It is not rebellious. It doesn’t make you tough, courageous, or sexy. Smoking is outrageously dangerous. It is destructive to your lungs and destructive to your chemistry. It fouls up your breath and your fingertips, it burns your eyes, it causes itching in the back of your throat, and it leaves a gigantic global mess as it pollutes the air and litters the planet. It’s also a colossal waste of money.
It’s time to quit. It’s time to let go forever. It isn’t scary, and only good will come of it. The benefits are nearly limitless.
If you’ve become used to the scent of tobacco burning around you, and familiarity brings you pleasure, then instead you can burn some sage, copal or Palo Santo. These are three plants that purify the air while they burn. That can change your experience for the better, even if only slightly.
Pick Your Day to Quit:One thing is certain. If you’re still currently smoking and you’ve gotten this far reading this book, then you have it in you to put down the cigarette, throw out your lighter, get rid of that ashtray, and destroy the pack of cigarettes.
If I were with you right now and you put up any resistance, I would grab your pack of cigarettes and I would stomp on them and say, “What, are you serious? Are you really doing this? It’s time to quit.”
But I’m not there and if you’re not exactly ready to quit, then pick your day. I think you should quit this instant. But if you feel like you need another 48 hours, fine. Two more days it is. You’re going to quit and there isn’t going to be any hesitation. There isn’t going to be any faltering. You’re just going to do it.
And once you’re in it, it’ll be the same thing as my experience with skydiving was. When the door opened, I left. Then I was in freefall and I had to deal with it. The moment you quit, it’ll feel like freefall just for a moment. Your senses to your addiction will be amplified. Your mind might be wondering, “What just happened? Where is my habit? Or your body might send a signal to your consciousness to say, “Hey! Hey! What happened to that chemical that you kept dumping into my system? I kind of miss it.” When your body is talking to your consciousness in that kind of way, your consciousness must answer and say, “We’re done with that. It’s time to regain our health. You’ll be OK, I am going to give you other things to nourish you and take the craving away.”
If your consciousness is the one that’s crying, then have your body talk to it while you’re lying flat on your back. Take long deep breaths. Just let your body relax. Let your body signal your mind that it will do the healing. The cravings are not more powerful than your chemistry, and you will overcome it in a very short period of time.
If your body and mind aren’t speaking and you’re going absolutely mad wanting to give in to the addiction, there are still some things that you can do. One of the first things is take out your journal, whether it’s in a digital format or pen and paper, and start writing. Another thing is to chant quietly to yourself, “I am powerless over the addiction to smoking, and if I go back to smoking I will become completely unmanageable instantly.” Follow this chant with a solid prayer effort. It doesn’t matter if you’re atheist. Prayer doesn’t have to be exclusively limited for use by people who believe in God.
Considerations Regarding Physical HealthAs physical exercise in particular is crucial to anyone who wishes to overcome an addiction, physical health in general must be given attention. Do not, under any circumstances, neglect letting medical professionals give you the assistance that they have to offer. Let your internist/pulmonologist know that you have made a firm decision to quit, and take their recommendations under consideration. Receive standard preventive medical care and appropriate follow-up from them as well.
Do not limit your efforts to ensure good physical health to regular visits to doctors and other medical professionals, though. The onus is on you to adopt a health lifestyle. In addition to physical exercise, it should be characterized by the following practices: Plant-based diet, alcohol elimination, plenty of sleep, good overall hygiene, daily breathing exercises to strengthen the lungs, and (perhaps in addition to your exercise of choice) light cardio 4 days a week.
Many, including myself, believe in herbal remedies for various ailments. There may be little or no scientific data to support the efficacy of herbal remedies, but one has nothing to lose by trying everything possible as long as it doesn’t intoxicate the body in any way. The most common herbal remedies to help the lungs are the following: Eucalyptus, oregano, mint, thyme, and mullein. The best way to take them is through the lungs using a herbal essence diffuser.