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chocolate is righteous bar

chocolate is righteous bar

Elevated protein • Indescribable bliss

full of
  • Energy
  • Fiber
  • Antioxidants
free of
  • Refined Sugar
  • Processed Ingredients
  • Dairy & Gluten
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Truly Healthy Candy
High in protein, fiber, and healthy fats
Vegan Chocolate
Our Vegan Chocolate is made of Raw Cacao, coconut sugar, and cocoa butter. Because of the raw cacao content, our chocolate is incredibly high in antioxidants, flavonoids, minerals, and vitamins: a great plant-based source of iron and rich in magnesium
Coconut Oil
The "Tree of Life" in tropical cultures, every part provides high levels of antioxidants and antimicrobials
As natural as a sweetener can get, because it's tapped directly from trees
Homemade Almond Milk
You deserve fresh homemade almond milk! You deserve better than pasteurized plant milks out of a box! Trust me. Most of those brands are filled with crap. Some are better than others. Read your labels. And don’t trust “healthy” places if they’re making your smoothie with an alt-milk made with rapeseed (canola) oil