From my perspective, if you really study the problem of pollution and man-made natural disasters, they all stem from issues rooted in our imperfect childhoods, including neglect, dysfunction, addiction, abuse, and misinformation.
Although humanity has become smarter in understanding physics, biology, anatomy, psychology, etc., and despite incredible technological advancements, we are not using them to their positive potential. The root cause is the chronic anxiety that stems from various factors in our formative years. This state of anxiety becomes normalized and keeps us in a state of suffering. In this anxious state, the human brain slips into a subconscious mode, compelling us to act according to the subconscious mind's desires. It is in this state that we become self-centered, exploiting everything to find a false sense of comfort. Our children grow up to be leaders who perpetuate destructive behaviors, and people grow up to be corrupt. For some, greed becomes a source of relaxation amidst prolonged anxiety.

It is chronic anxiety that permits us to dump plastic into our oceans blindly. It is in this anxious state that human beings fail to take action, demand change, or stop supporting problematic products. We prioritize space exploration over cleaning up our planet, and people can deny environmental issues. We argue over climate change while the immediate problem of pollution remains unaddressed. We need energy sources that do not create toxic waste, but such technologies are blocked by the richest companies and governments.
It is from an anxious state that humans exploit animals as a resource, using their flesh to poorly feed malnourished populations. People lack essential vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other compounds primarily found in fruits and vegetables. In this anxious state, animal protein is still seen as a coveted source of calories. It's difficult for people to accept that the solution to our problems could be as simple as breathing and achieving a spiritual awakening. Future generations must learn to revere nature rather than exploit it.
The state of anxiety seems almost natural alongside our evolutionary advancements. We may need several more thousand years to develop natural coping mechanisms for anxiety, which currently shuts down our intelligent brains. The necessary changes are unlikely to be implemented by government systems alone; perhaps only religious mandates could effectively drive environmental care.
I admit that I have been part of the problem for most of my life, being wasteful. I am slowly transforming and hoping to heal and fix myself in time to become an example. Pollution is a symptom of a deeper problem: the fear and unconsciousness within human hearts and minds. When we finally relax our minds, we will elevate beyond the fear brain (sympathetic nervous system) and return to a more relaxed state (parasympathetic system).
Many people are ready for this change but don't know how to mobilize. A small number of corrupt individuals can oppress the masses, but they will eventually die off. The hope for the future lies in educating children and giving them a sense of the pristine natural world. Sustainable products and packaging are critical in this battle for human survival. As consumers, we need pure products that don't destroy the environment. The mental task of helping societies relax and become enlightened is underway, and social media may accelerate this process.
I no longer have to sugarcoat my message. In my previous company, I had to remain silent on these issues, but now I am building a company that is transparent and self-critical. Transparency is our greatest product, and hopefully, it will allow us to continue our mission.
—Marcus Antebi, Founder