Someone asked me whether I like Elon Musk. First off, if the guy's a nut job, who am I to judge? I respect a lot of his accomplishments—though, honestly, I’m not even sure what half of them are! I only see the part of him he shares on social media. To me, he’s just another A-list celebrity, like a modern-day P.T. Barnum.
Think about it: both are great at making a ton of money and getting people to pay for stuff. They create excitement, distraction, and mystery—basically, they’re just fun to talk about. The world would probably be just fine without their grand inventions, which often feel like just another shiny object to distract us from consumerism.
Elon Musk wants to take us off this planet, or at least build a lifeboat for humanity. But with 8 billion of us (plus all the critters), I have to wonder—what’s he planning? I’ve heard of a Messiah complex, but I think I have the Da Vinci complex: I want to invent, create, and paint a million things before I kick the bucket. Meanwhile, Elon seems to have the Noah complex—trying to build an ark to save humanity from the flood and take two of every creature. But let’s be honest, I doubt I’d make the cut, so I’m not exactly voting for him!