brand ambassadors

brand ambassadors



The Brand Ambassador is a crucial individual. He or she will play a vital role in creating customer interest and building customer understanding. This is especially useful when you’re opening a store and establishing a new brand. Such an individual must fit the brand and understand all aspects of the brand messaging (e.g., not be someone such as an obnoxious older dude who shouts and screams).

What a Brand Ambassador Needs to Learn

The Brand Ambassador must be intimately familiar with the brand itself and all the products the brand carries. He or she must know of the brand’s origins, the brand’s mission, and what sets the brand apart from its competitors. And he or she must be passionate about everything that we do.

What a Brand Ambassador Needs to Do

  • Be extremely proficient in ringing up customers at point-of-sale stations
  • Ensure that the store is spotless during their shift
  • Stock ice chests and other areas (e.g., baked goods display cases) in which products are available for sale
  • Offer samples
  • Sell products

Topics a Brand Ambassador Needs to Speak About

  • General information about goodsugar
  • The founder’s story
  • The 12 differences between us and others
  • The menu (from A to Z)
  • Lifestyle concepts
  • Our competition
  • Our plans
  • Elimination of single-use plastic
  • Our tenets of wellness


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