why does goodsugar not have a hot coffee business?

why does goodsugar not have a hot coffee business?

Please note that the language used in this article is direct and based on personal experience rather than scientific fact. Our ideas are philosophical in nature and are subject to change. These messages are my own and I do not intend to judge others. I believe them to be true, but I do not aim to preach. I consider myself a perpetual student.

There are several reasons why goodsugar doesn't offer hot coffee:

  1. Limited space: Operating a successful coffee program requires a significant amount of space, equipment, and resources. In a city like New York where real estate is at a premium, it may not be feasible for goodsugar to allocate the necessary space for a coffee program.
  1. Intense competition: New York City has a thriving coffee culture with numerous established coffee shops and expert competition. To stand out in such a competitive market, a coffee program would require an exceptional level of passion and expertise. goodsugar may have determined that their focus is better directed towards other aspects of their business.
  1. Customer preferences: While some coffee enthusiasts appreciate specialty coffee, the majority of coffee drinkers prefer convenience and familiarity. Many people opt for coffee with dairy creamers and other additions. goodsugar may have recognized that the demand for a coffee program that caters to a more niche audience would be relatively small compared to the demand for their existing offerings.

Overall, the decision not to offer hot coffee at goodsugar is likely a strategic one based on space limitations, competition, and customer preferences for more common coffee options.

Another significant reason why goodsugar doesn't have a large coffee program is because many of their customers are seeking changes in their overall diet or trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle. These individuals prioritize high standards in the places they eat, even if they haven't completely achieved their desired dietary goals. Therefore, selling items that may be detrimental to the body without any real purpose would contradict goodsugar's mission to help people feel better. They aim to be part of the solution rather than contributing to the problem.

Additionally, it is widely recognized that excessive coffee consumption is not beneficial for overall health. While the founder of goodsugar still enjoys coffee and has used it for years, he has learned to moderate his intake for psychological reasons. Coffee can have various effects on our body chemistry and psyche. It can act as a numbing agent for emotions, masking pain or inducing it due to its acidic nature. Coffee is highly stimulating, often providing a sense of pleasure for individuals who are tired and need to stay alert. Many people rely on coffee to keep up with demanding schedules, stressful jobs, and other challenges that make it difficult to rest and sync with their bodies. It becomes a coping mechanism and an unconscious desire for stimulation, similar to how some people seek processed sugar for the rush it provides or turn to alcohol to lower inhibitions.

goodsugar aims to differentiate itself from other juice bars by offering New York City something different. Instead of contributing to overstimulation or anxiety, they want to provide caffeine in a balanced and minimal amount to help customers feel more comfortable in their bodies. goodsugar suggests that people reduce their coffee intake without insisting on complete abstinence. They recommend keeping a journal to track behavior and progress, emphasizing the importance of mindful consumption. The founder shares his personal experience of enjoying cold-brewed coffee in the morning with homemade almond milk and added ginger to enhance the flavor. He found that one cup was sufficient for the day, especially when combined with adequate rest and relaxation techniques such as breathing exercises.

If individuals find the taste of coffee unbearable without sweeteners, goodsugar suggests using maple syrup, as it blends well with cold-brewed coffee. Honey is also an option, although not the founder's personal preference. The main idea is to reduce coffee consumption and consider alternatives that align with a healthier lifestyle.

When it comes to coffee, developing a taste for the type of coffee you prefer is important. If you enjoy dark, strong, and bitter coffee, it's advisable to adhere to that preference. If you prefer creamier coffee, you can use the right type of almond milk and ensure it's homemade, as it contains nutritious elements. For individuals dealing with ailments, symptoms, or diseases, the most disciplined approach would be to eliminate coffee entirely. However, if complete abstinence seems unfeasible, it becomes even more crucial to keep a journal and reduce the stimulation you're subjecting your body to, rather than increasing it. Feeling alert can be achieved through various means, such as getting fresh air, taking deep breaths, engaging in exercise, cultivating gratitude, and exploring self-help resources. Over time, these practices can help us rely less on intoxicating foods to cope.

Food companies often overlook the psychological aspect of our relationship with food and fail to address it. Achieving weight loss, building abdominal muscles, or overcoming compulsive behavior and maintaining it requires addressing the psychological components. Merely following a magical diet is not enough to resolve our food-related issues and improve our well-being. True liberation from physical discomfort and food-related disorders lies in learning how to eat, developing discipline, and addressing the psychological factors that contribute to our anxieties and addictive behaviors. This comprehensive approach is the only sustainable one, as alternative methods have proven insufficient for society as a whole.

Another reason why large amounts of coffee are not ideal for our bodies is its low pH balance, making it acidic compared to the alkalinity of water. The topic of alkaline foods versus acidic foods can be complex and often leads to confusion. For instance, while citrus fruits contain citric acid, they are actually alkalizing to our body chemistry when properly digested. Education and knowledge can help us make informed choices, but simply having knowledge does not guarantee the ability to break free from addictive eating patterns. The psychological component is personal and requires individual introspection.

Living in the modern world, many people carry psychological damage that contributes to heightened anxiety beyond what we are naturally designed to handle. As a result, anxiety has become pervasive in our society, influencing our thinking and driving us to seek quick comforts such as sugary cereals or chocolate bars. It is crucial to address this issue and engage in open conversations about healthy eating patterns without judgment or shame.

In summary, it is advisable to consume less coffee, savor the taste, and drink it slowly while being mindful of its effects on your physical physiology. Embrace the choice you made to have coffee without regrets, and before consuming it, program it with positive intentions. Bless your coffee and any food or beverage you consume, adding gratitude and positive energy to your meals.

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