who is monsanto?

Monsanto was a multinational agrochemical and agricultural biotechnology corporation. It was primarily known for its production of genetically modified seeds and the herbicide glyphosate, which is commonly sold under the brand name Roundup.

Monsanto developed and marketed genetically modified crops with traits such as herbicide resistance and insect resistance. These crops were designed to provide benefits such as increased yields and reduced reliance on chemical pesticides. However, Monsanto's practices and products have been the subject of controversy and public debate due to concerns about environmental impact, potential health risks, and the company's aggressive legal actions to protect its intellectual property rights.

In 2018, Monsanto was acquired by Bayer AG, a German multinational pharmaceutical and life sciences company. The Monsanto brand no longer exists, and its operations are now integrated into Bayer's agricultural division.

It's worth noting that discussions around Monsanto and its products can be contentious, and opinions on the company and its practices may vary. It's advisable to consult multiple reliable sources and consider different perspectives when seeking information on this topic.

Before its acquisition by Bayer, Monsanto was primarily involved in the agricultural industry, focusing on agrochemicals and agricultural biotechnology. Here are some of the key activities that Monsanto engaged in:

1. Genetic Modification of Seeds: Monsanto developed and marketed genetically modified seeds with specific traits, such as herbicide resistance and insect resistance. These genetically modified crops included soybeans, corn, cotton, canola, and other agricultural commodities. The aim was to provide farmers with crops that could better withstand pests, diseases, and herbicide applications, leading to increased yields and reduced reliance on other agricultural inputs.

2. Herbicides, Including Glyphosate: Monsanto was widely known for its production of the herbicide glyphosate, which is commonly sold under the brand name Roundup. Glyphosate-based herbicides were used for weed control in various agricultural and non-agricultural settings. However, the safety and environmental impact of glyphosate have been the subject of debate and legal disputes.

3. Biotechnology Research and Development: Monsanto invested heavily in research and development of biotechnology and genomics. The company aimed to develop new genetically modified crop varieties and technologies to improve agricultural productivity, sustainability, and profitability.

4. Intellectual Property Protection: Monsanto was known for its active enforcement of intellectual property rights related to its genetically modified crops. It employed legal measures to protect its patented seeds and technologies, which led to legal battles with farmers and activists who disagreed with the company's practices.

5. Collaboration and Partnerships: Monsanto collaborated with other companies, research institutions, and agricultural organizations to advance agricultural biotechnology and promote the adoption of genetically modified crops worldwide.

Since the acquisition by Bayer, the Monsanto brand has been phased out, and its operations have been integrated into Bayer's agricultural division. The activities related to genetically modified crops and herbicides are now continued under the Bayer Crop Science business segment.

Please note that the information provided here is up to my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, and there may have been subsequent developments or changes in the activities of the company.

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